How I Gamified My Life for Life Optimization (Modeling After Diablo 3 & Video Games)

Game Design and Overview
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Game Principles and Core Tenets
  1. Never stifle energy, simply redirect it: healthy channel for obsessive, addiction-prone, intense people; Be proud of who you are, just find a way to not implode with your potentially misdirected energy.
    1. “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes, the ones who see things differently” – Steve Jobs
  2. Functional Integration: to live a full, integrated, balanced life that maxes out all areas of life: health, wealth, wisdom, relationships, etc. 
  3. Pareto Optimality: it’s better to be an 8 or 9 in every area of life instead of a 10 in just one with a nosedive for the rest.
  4. Pareto Principle: the 80/20 Rule
  5. Model Success: based on the best-in-class, most reputable resources or expert authorities on a given domain whereby they have personally achieved the desired result. 
  6. Stay stubborn to the aim, and flexible on the path: there is always a better way. Function precedes form.
  7. Bias for objective standards: measurable, quantifiable success criteria. 
  8. You are bigger than your challenges and obstacles.
  9. Gamification > Habit Building: have you ever needed to build a habit / force yourself to play a game for hours on end?
Game Product Development Roadmap (“Open Source Code” to Building This Out for Maximal Engagement)
  1. Share button to share Level Ups and new achievements. 
  2. Interactive component to submit proof of Level Up/New Skill that provides real-time in-game rewards and positive reinforcement. 
  3. Quests for each level and skill (the step-by-step “how to” to achieve each one) allowing for partial progress and milestones toward unlocking new skills and levels. 
  4. Social accountability and leaderboards for healthy competition/increased motivation. 
  5. Customization and adaptation of levels and skills based on one’s specific goals in each area of life, though mindfully balanced with the finite “always this, never that” aspect of what makes games universally fair and applicable to all. 
  6. Equipment and Armor component. 
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